

Parenting Book Resources

By: Jim Newheiser
Jim Newheiser teaches us how to discern the value of parenting methods and critique them against God’s Word. Formulas may fail, but be encouraged: the gospel surpasses any formula.
By: William P. Smith
As a parent, your words are powerful. What you say and how you say it has the potential to either invite your children into deeper relationship with you or push them away. What’s more, in a very real sense, your words represent—or misrepresent—God’s words to his children— meaning they have the power to shape how your children view their heavenly Father.
Offering practical guidance for grace-filled communication in the midst of the craziness of everyday life, this accessible guide will help you speak in ways that reflect the grace God has shown to you in the gospel.
By: Paul David Tripp
In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, he presents us with a big-picture view of God's plan for us as parents. Outlining 14 foundational principles centered on the gospel, he shows that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Rather, we need the rescuing grace of God - grace that has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents.
By: Julie Lowe
Every family is unique, which is why Child Proof explores the need for parents to cultivate personal and intimate care for their children as modeled in God’s individual, personal, and fatherly care to his children. This child-rearing book lays a foundation of parenting by faith and progresses by teaching readers how they can know their own kids well and raise them accordingly. By discussing particular issues moms and dads might have in family life, Lowe demonstrates how formulas aren’t the answer, and parenting with biblical wisdom is best for a proactive rather than reactive approach to parenting.
By: Tedd Tripp
Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. Shepherding a Child's Heart gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing.
By: Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick
Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick ground you in the guidance of God's Word, reminding you that your relationship with your adult children can only be as deep and meaningful as your relationship with him.
By: Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson
In Give Them Grace, parents will learn how to connect the benefits of the cross—especially regeneration, adoption, and justification—to their children’s daily lives. Chapters address topics such as our inability to follow the law perfectly, God’s forgiveness and love displayed at the cross, and what true heart obedience looks like. Fitzpatrick and Thompson also discuss discipline, dealing with popular culture, and evangelism as a way of life. Parents will find this book a great resource for raising grace-filled, Jesus-loving kids. 

Teen Parenting Book Resources

By: Paul David Tripp
For a parent, the teen years are years of unprecedented opportunity—years of penetrating questions and exciting new discussions, years that open the door to a teen’s heart. In this wise and hopeful book, Paul Tripp shows parents how to connect with their children as never before, drawing on practical strategies shaped by God’s Word. This revised and updated edition features fresh, heart-focused discussion questions for each chapter as well as a bonus Q&A section.

Parenting Children with Special Needs Book Resources

By: Andrew and Rachel Wilson
Andrew and Rachel Wilson know what it means to live a life they never expected. As the parents of two children with special needs, their story mingles deep pain with deep joy in unexpected places. With raw honesty, they share about the challenges they face on a daily basis—all the while teaching what it means to weep, worship, wait, and hope in the Lord. Offering encouragement rooted in God's Word, this book will help you cling to Jesus and fight for joy when faced with a life you never expected.
By: Cathy Steere
The serious challenges and even griefs which often accompany the presence of an autistic child in a family are well-documented both in medical annals and are all the more embedded in the memories of those whose homes have suffered this trial. Few stories can be found which offer much encouragement for those in the dilemma.

This book is an exception. Cathy Steere shares, with an honesty that cannot be missed, the story of how she and her husband David trained their autistic son Drew in ways that point unmistakable to the sufficiency of God's Word to guide us in all of life. It is a moving testimony of how God honors those who honor Him and trust His promise more than the emptiness of men's philosophies. The story will be an encouragement to all parents seeking to train their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Parenting Rebellious Children Book Resources

By: Craig K. Svensson
Parents of prodigals struggle deeply with the challenges they face of relating to their wayward offspring. Siblings, spouses, and children of prodigals face similar struggles. How do you live for Christ in the midst of such personal turmoil? How do you live with a grown child whose destructive choices have turned him into a person so much unlike the adorable offspring into whom you poured much of yourself? Ultimately, how do you bear the pain if that prodigal never returns?
In this book, Dr. Craig Svensson and his wife, Sue, show how they are no strangers to such deeply devastating circumstances. Svensson sensitively, engagingly, and compassionately directs readers to Scripture as he helps create the biblical framework for addressing the trauma of having a prodigal in the family.
By: C. John Miller and Barbara Miller Juliana 
"Mom, Dad, I don’t want your rules and morals. I don’t want to act like a Christian anymore! And I’m not going to," Barbara declared at age 18. As her father desperately attempted to reason with her, Barbara grew more resentful, choosing a path of immorality that only deepened her parents’ pain.
"I am not ignorant of human depravity," writes C. John Miller, "but I had long denied that it could exist in our family." That reality, however, forced him to confront his own sin, seek forgiveness, admit his inability to change his wayward daughter, and begin loving Barbara on God's terms.
Here "Jack" Miller and Barbara Miller Juliani chronicle their journey from grief and conflict to joyful reconciliation. Come Back, Barbara is thus an irresistible portrayal of God's grace to the Millers and us all. With newly added study questions, this book offers invaluable lessons about facing our own struggles with humility, courage, and hope.
By: Linda Rice
Is your child defiant, often angry, frequently lying, inordinately affectionate to strangers, lacking in remorse, and seemingly unable to trust anyone?
Behaviors and attitudes like these can lead to a diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Adopted children are especially prone to receive this diagnosis. Their behaviors challenge the whole family.
Using many specific examples, this book explains how parents can apply the clear, practical solutions of Scripture to correct the habituated heart motivations, thoughts, and actions of an alienated, angry child. It offers encouragement and guidance for parents and siblings who themselves struggle with difficult or sinful emotions.

Audio Resources